Tuesday, April 18, 2006


National Service and me.

This is a thread for discussion of anything to do with National Service. Topics you could discuss here include: Should girls do National Service? How long would be a good length for National Service? Should those becoming Singapore citizens do national service? Does National Service prepares us to be better prepared to defend the nation? Does National Service instils a sense of pride and loyalty in us? ..... any other topics related to National Service.

The discussions would go on until Fri 28th April. It is compulsory for all 4E1 pupils to post at least 5 posts on a minimum of 2 different dates.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Do Singaporeans have a sense of belonging and rootedness to Singapore?

This is an optional post. However, if you do this post, you can be excused from the post on 'venturing overseas'. However, i would encourage all of you to do at least 2 posts each and a total of 5.
Some issues you can cover here would be: Do you think Singaporeans are proud to be 'Singaporeans'? Are we loyal to the nation? Many Singaporeans have settled down overseas. Does this mean that they are not patriotic towards Singapore?
You do not have to cover all the questions. Also, you can discuss any other topics related to 'sense of belonging' e.g. National Day celebration and more. In time of crisis or war, do you think we will come together as a nation and fight for the country - with pride and loyalty?

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Should Singaporeans be encouraged to venture abroad?

As we globalise, it becomes important for more and more Singaporeans to venture out e.g. work overses, set up companies and business overseas. Should we encourage this?

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Should Singapore continue to recruit foreign talents?

Singapore has been recruiting foreign talents for the past few years and this has been a talking point for many. Is recruiting foreign talent the right move or should Singapore rely more on it's local talents. Provide your views here.

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